In some ways, church in the States is better than here. At New Life on Sunday, we only have to listen to cell phones going off in the middle of church. Karamoja has both cell phones and goats.
Hokay. We have been experiencing here some small problems with the interwebs and have been otherwise busy. We have either rice or posho for lunch. Everyone is hating posho and loving rice, so it has become popular these days to say that a day is
I have had the pleasure to join the volunteers at the school program this week. For only a limited time, volunteers go into the local schools and teach science and Bible. This week we ministered in two villages, Okwapon in the morning and Tokora in
Here’s a very classic story from our adventures in Africa. Chris and Karen have already told you about the journey from the airport to Karamoja. A part of that journey also included running various errands for all of the missionaries in Karamoja – picking up
We were successful in our latest surge into Karamoja. Chloe and I took the unexpected opportunity to ride up with Bob and the drilling rig, giving us unedited access into the life and mind of the OPC’s only diaconal missionary. The drive took a meandering
Here in country. The totality of our luggage managed to arrive with us. Entebbe was having some sort of bug mating season and we crunched millions of little exoskeletons on the tarmac and in the airport entrance. The ride to Mbale was fraught with delay,
Well, we are off and it hasn’t been an especially auspicious journey so far. Our suitcases were all under weight, the flights have universally been early and the airports have been well stocked with American type food for purchase at a slightly higher than reasonable
go figure. We leave on Thursday morning.