Hokay. We have been experiencing here some small problems with the interwebs and have been otherwise busy. We have either rice or posho for lunch. Everyone is hating posho and loving rice, so it has become popular these days to say that a day is either a posho day or a ricey day. Yesterday, it was posho, but even today, it was ricey. We went drilling yesterday for a new well in a village called Okodud, where there has been much preaching and outreach and seemingly sustained interest in the things of the Gospel.
All was going well, in fact, until the end of the day. Some group of the mission people couldn’t handle roughing it anymore and were going for the night to Sipi Falls, a hiking destination and most eminently habitable resort from what I am told. So they picked up some of the drilling crew on the way down, in fact some of the drilling crew who had the only key to one of the trucks we were using. Oh no, small problem. Sipi is three hours away from the site and we did not discover this until they had nearly arrived. So we decided to clean up, try to tow the drilling rig out of the ditch with the other truck, and hire some soldiers to sleep with the first truck overnight.
While we cleaned, I tried to move a sign that had been knocked, and I was having a large gash on my hand as a result. But the entire medical staff here is in Sipi for the weekend. I have no idea who planned this. But that was alright, until we were also being stuck and the rain, it was pouring. So, we are driving home, hours late for dinner and we are now driving in the dark (not recommended) and we are stuck on the road behind another car whose tire is flat and we cannot pass. So we have to fix their tire for them before we can even be coming home.
Fast forward to today. We are at the drilling site and cleaning the well, not sure whether it will produce. By the end of the day, we had a well that was producing maybe 2,000 litres per hour, much more than can be pumped by hand. All the people around were able to come and fill their buckets while we pumped and we were having good work and good snaps and good video, and Bob was spraying the children with water as they came to fill their basins. As we are leaving, people are thanking us for the work and saying that they will be giving praise to God for the new well, a promising sign that the word of Christ has taken root there.