For anyone wanting to support us financially, there are several ways to do so. You can put cash money in a glass bottle, write “Verdick, Uganda” on the outside, and drop it in the ocean; you can purchase sundries from Costco and have them airlifted directly to Karamoja; or our most popular options, recommended for most people are outlined below.
If you attend New Life or North Park PCA, you can designate giving to Christopher & Chloe Verdick on your offering envelope or in the memo line on your check.
If you are not a member of New Life or North Park PCA, you can write a check to “Orthodox Presbyterian Church” with “Verdick Support” in the memo line and send it to the following address:
OPC Committee on Foreign Missions
Attn: CFM
607 N. Easton Road, Bldg. E
Willow Grove, PA 19090-2539
If you are a modern person (and don’t mind processing fees), you can give using New Life Presbyterian Church’s online giving system. Simply select “Missions – Verdick – OPC Uganda” from the dropdown menu under the amount of the gift.
If you are interested in supporting us on a monthly basis, please fill out the form below with your information so that our church’s missions committee will be able to let us know how we are doing. Note: this is not an online donation, just a way to track anticipated support. The form submits to the inbox of the New Life Missions Committee.