Editor’s note: As we continue to strive to bring you the best of the hard-hitting reporting out of Karamoja, we’re pleased to announce the first in what will hopefully be an ongoing series of articles by our first guest-blogger, Caleb Okken. As the visitor season descends upon us like a black cloud of hungry locusts, we hope to open up these hallowed pages to other sagacious guest-writers as well. More on that anon.
Hi my name is Caleb Okken and I live in Karimoja, Uganda with my family. I am 10 years old. There are several cool things about living here. Here are my top 8:
- I have a really big yard that I can ride bikes on the bike path I made.
- My school house is just a couple of yards away and I have the best teacher ever, whose name is Erika Bulthuis.
- On some Saturdays, I have five Karimojong friends come and play with me.
- I get to be with cool missionary associates and I get to meet visitors from all over the world.
- I get to be next door neighbors with my good friend, Josh Tricarico.
- I also have some other cool neighbors like the Wrights and the Knoxes.
- I have a massive tamarind tree in my yard and I love making tamarind juice with our compound worker.
- And best about living here is knowing I’m serving God.
I’m a BIG fan of this guest blogger! I hope you write often, Caleb! Your insights were great. 🙂
“Miss” Karen
Hey Caleb!
You have talent! Loved your blog. It is good to know that you can find lots to enjoy while you are serving the Lord.
Love you,
(Great) Aunt Jan
Very cool, Caleb! I sure hope I get to see you again some day:)
How fun to read of your life over there and best of all to read of the good parts!! It’s always good to look at the “good”. I used to ask Danny to tell me the three best parts of school “that day”. Without fail, he’d say “Lunch, recess, and going home.”….funny kid, and yet, he loved school and learning.
I’m excited to think that you might be able to get to ND next time you’re in the US. We’ll try to get the horses into shape before you come. They are quite lazy, but sweet.
Love, Auntie Pat
Well done Caleb. I’m so proud of you! I will try and do everything I can to be that “best teacher ever”. You and Megan deserve it!! Love the Uncle Rico pose too.
Oh! I should have mentioned….., I love the picture of Caleb!
We so enjoy your reports about life in Karimoja and of the work God is doing through each of you there.
How absolutely delightful was this first ‘guest report’ by Caleb. We are pleased that he finds joy in many aspects of life in Uganda. You can imagine the smiles on our faces as we read this.
We thank the Lord for each of you.
Grandpa and Grandma Okken