We’ve landed in San Diego! We plan to be stateside for six months, at the end of which we hope to return to Uganda and continue with the work. We look forward to enjoying time with family and many of you! Don’t be shy, we’d be happy to see you and catch up.
Goodbyes, goodbyes, how I wish to bid you adieu Farewells, farewells, if only you would take your leave This week, we said goodbye to dear friends and teammates Dave and Sunshine Okken with their children Caleb, Megan and Jacob. It is difficult to say how
The day after I posted a blog about the dry season, it started raining and hasn’t stopped. In twenty-four hours last week, we got six inches of rain. As you might imagine, streams turned into rivers, rivers turned into torrents and fields turned into flood
Learning a new language is also learning to laugh at yourself. I’ve never been very good at laughing at myself, as many of you know, so it is no small wonder that I love learning Karimojong so much. In welcoming new teammates and hoping to
The problem with enjoying writing is that I simply cringe anytime I need to post just an update without any of the beauty that makes writing fun. And then it gets put off again and again until the news is stale. Well, here’s to a
Suffering. We’re all acquainted with it in some form. It is acute to anyone who’s humanity began in Eden, the perfection we were made for and will never experience in this life. Death, disease, neglect, poverty, these things simply were not, but now they are