Finally got this thing put up on the YouTubes. Now you can send it to your million friends and neighbors. Just tell them it’s Kony 2012 – that ought to get them to watch it.
Our last night in Karamoja (Would like to put an em dash here but cannot find the keystroke on the Okken’s PC) I beat Caleb about 34-0 in Connect Four, we had a lovely dinner, and the children watched some freaky video of these scary
Well, it seems that Chloe and Karen have managed to snaggle some internet from others, but as for me, I have been cut off for some days now. The call to Karamoja seems to be a call to contingencies. Those of you who received our
Some of you heard me describe our planned activities while here in Karamoja. Still others heard the caveat – this is the plan but anything could change. I’ve discovered that to be ture on many a mission field and nonetheless so here. I didn’t really
On one of our return walks from the school at Okwiam – which was an hour commute including crossing a river – we were talking about our home with the translator. He asked us how much it rains at our place and we explained that