We have reached Karamoja and our new home! The flight trip was rather uneventful and all of our luggage arrived. We then spent two days running errands around Kampala (the capital where we landed) and Mbale (closest big city to Karamoja) in order to get
As we hear of Abraham, the Christian life if a life of sojourning, a life lived in an alien land, but a life lived in purposeful journey, following after the city of God. To think of the city of God here in Karamoja is an
Making the Transcultural Connection I’ve been on hiatus hoping that the notes I made to outline this post would turn up, but they have, alas, disappeared into the ether. What follows, then, will be completely unscripted, so buckle up. The main point of this chapter
In case the whole missionary thing doesn’t work out, I may be able to join the hottest action film studio in Uganda.
Into the New World When I arrived my first time in Karamoja, armed with a digital camera, a long-barrelled lens, and a large shoulder bag of equipment in tow, many of the locals eyed me suspiciously. Many, should I point my camera in their direction,
Preparation It could be my own lack of self-reflective abilities (hopefully not) or the fact that so many of the questions in this chapter have been settled for us already, but I did not find this chapter tremendously useful to us in our present situation.
The Call “Being a missionary begins with being called. You don’t choose to be a missionary; you’re called to be one. The only choice is whether to obey.” Hale opens his second chapter in this way, confronting the reader with the question—am I being obedient