As Christopher mentioned in an earlier blog, the husband of one of our compound workers died last Sunday. During the week, we and the Okkens went to visit the widow, Lucy, and bring her a small gift of rice and a chicken. As is often
Some time back, you may have heard via the Okkens about some reported cases of witchcraft in Karamoja (if you didn’t, you can read about them here and here). The particular case of Luomo Gabriel has been on the hearts and minds of the congregation and the
Not yet! The Wright family made it safely back to Karamoja from Mbale. The rumored broken bridge has eroded on one side, but is still cautiously passable by all types of vehicles. That makes two partly broken bridges with water running over them (and I
Our green beans are already growing! Many of the missionary families here have had good success with growing green beans. We’re hoping to be no exception.
Many of you heard my pleas for prayer for dry roads upon our arrival. The dirt road from Mbale (the closest city) to Karamoja can be rather treacherous during the rainy season due to muddy ruts and stuck traffic. That same road has a handful
Some of the clinic staff went a few days ago to take a woman up to Tokora hospital who had been in labor but the child had died and she had gone out of labor and needed to be induced (if you’re looking for gory