If you haven’t heard, our daughter was born March 15. She was born Carmel Ariadne. Almost everyone who hears her name asks about the origin, so it seemed fitting (if a bit self-indulgent) to provide the definitive guide to her name here at Verdickmoja. Carmel
A Palace, or a Mud Hut? We come to what is perhaps one of the discussions that Chloe and I are most apt to have regarding our lives in Karamoja—what should our standard of living be? In San Diego, we lived in fairly moderate circumstances—a
Kings, Cooks, Beggars, Saints Our last chapter was a bit theoretical on the inevitability of culture shock and how to overcome it. This chapter is more nuts and bolts about how to interact with various people on the mission field in the developing world. This
Culture Shock It’s the biggest catch-phrase of moving between continents. When Chloe and I first arrived back in San Diego, it was the first question on everyone’s lips—are you experiencing culture shock? Of course, this question was directed the other way, assuming that we had
“I feel pregnant!” was my recent response to a simple inquiry into how I’m feeling. I am often asked how I’m feeling. This seems to be the most socially acceptable way to ask a pregnant woman how she is doing. In retrospect this response may
The holidays have come and gone. The New Year is here, and with it a reminder of the passage of time. In the past month Christopher and I have become professional house-sitters. When I told my grandmother that I was getting really good at making
Chloe and I presented this movie about our year for Sunday school yesterday at New Life. For anyone who wasn’t able to be there, I’ve uploaded it for your viewing pleasure. Pastor Dave would like me to remind you all that we only had Koolaid