As the Okkens have moved now into their house, I am pivoting to the other side of my job description—that of providing assistance to the Word ministry. In particular, the pastors are hoping that I can provide technical help in the areas of radio broadcast
…When you realize that you’ve made good friends. I suppose that this story won’t find any purchase among the cellular telephone generation, but those of a more ancient persuasion might recall the anxious time of waiting for dinner guests who are late. In our case,
A universal of impending or newly acquired parenthood, is that it is a magnet for advice, stories, anecdotes, smiles from loved ones and strangers a like. You’ve all heard the stories of pregnant women being approached in grocery stores by a passerby who wants to
Our workers get a lot of flak for being lazy, often deservedly. Or we couch the accusation in anthropological terms—that taking advantage of those with more resources than you, viz. the employer, is an essential aspect of the Karimojong culture. That way, instead of saying
In lieu of Memorial Day, we have two holidays back-to-back—namely Martyrs’ Day and Heroes’ Day. I am unclear on the meaning of Heroes’ Day (which we celebrate on Monday), but it has been suggested that, lacking any other special vestment, I might get away with
The benefit of having an infant and traveling across ten time zones is that I didn’t suffer from jet lag, at all whatsoever. In fact, I arrived more refreshed than I’d been in days since I was actually sleeping when Carmel was sleeping on the
Exactly what I was expecting when we returned to Uganda, I’m not sure. Our lives are full of little oddities that are easy to forget when we are away, and so remarkable when we return to what we call normalcy. I did not expect how
The suitcases are packed and closed and, like the ark, ready to brave the waters of judgement that is Entebbe baggage claim. We’ve said our goodbyes and are practicing our apologies to hundreds of strangers who have to listen to Carmel crying for twenty-two hours