It costs nothing to do an easy thing. That which costs nothing, is also worth nothing. I’ve contemplated this truth many times during our term in Uganda. I’ve considered it when the ministry seemed to languish or sin reared its ugly head. I’ve considered it when team dynamics were thorny, convoluted and draining. I’ve considered it when rising throughout the night to care for my infants. I’ve considered it during the homeschooling day when my pupils seemed to be doing more weeping and gnashing of teeth than learning. I’ve considered it in the many goodbyes, on both sides of the Atlantic. I’ve considered it when friends chose pride over repentance, when lies flourished and truth seemed secretive, when illness left me shaking in my bed unable to sleep yet unable to live, and when faithfulness in the daily mundane seemed a gaping darkness. Nothing worth doing is easy.
With such a fortification we challenge another mountain. We are not going to the moon. We are not leaving Uganda. We arehoping to break ground on the first phase of new housing for our clinic staff in February! This is a mountain with many foothills already scaled – land titles resolved, neighbors’ claims negotiated, contractors vetted, plans laid out, fence and gate installed, and borehole dug.
We cannot embark on this venture with pride. We know it is only by the Lord’s favor that we will be able to negotiate all the obstacles, raise all the needed funds, and see our staff happily installed at the new location. We look forward to that day and hope you will partner with us to make it happen!
We struggle because we know it is worth it. The church is worth it. My family is worth it. Seeing true spiritual growth is worth it. Following Christ is worth it. Thank you for striving with us!