The suitcases are packed and closed and, like the ark, ready to brave the waters of judgement that is Entebbe baggage claim. We’ve said our goodbyes and are practicing our apologies to hundreds of strangers who have to listen to Carmel crying for twenty-two hours (just kidding, we know that she would never even think of it). The one thing yet to be decided is whether we want the chicken or the pasta for our meal and why on earth people in airplanes like drinking tomato juice so much.
We are at last returning to Uganda and this inevitable moment of tremendous upheaval begins in the dry darkness of a Santa Ana wind. I don’t know whether it is a harbinger of things to come when we reach Karamoja or an event that we get a happy reprieve from as we leave. In all things, we know that God goes before us as a protector and comforter, organizing all of these details for our good and his glory.
Being in San Diego these last months has been riotous fun and we are so thankful to everyone who managed to remember us in our absence, for those who opened their homes to us, who made time to feed us and encourage us through Chloe’s pregnancy, delivery, and the wild frontier that is parenthood. We miss you all terribly and continue to depend on your intercession on our behalf as we return to the work to which we have been called.
We look forward to sharing with you the good news of Christ’s church in Karamoja. So much has happened while we were away—many good and encouraging things—and we hope that as we relay them to you, you will rejoice together with us and all the Church in the spread of the Gospel over the earth.
We hope and pray for a safe journey for all of you! It was great to see you while you were back, even if it was just at church. 🙂 I included our website that we update every so often, that way Chloe won’t see me at church with a strange baby clinging to my hip! 🙂