Visitor season is in full swing! Last week, Christopher and Pastor Dave Okken picked up a group of new visitors including a team organized by the Presbytery of Southern California. Our present visitors are involved in many aspects of the work. Volunteers are working at
We heard sad news recently that the people of Moruasia village may soon be getting clean water. Until now, some of them have been making the long journey to Nakasien or Nakaale to get water from boreholes there. Most of them have been collecting water
Perhaps you’ve noticed that we’ve been a little quiet over here lately. That’s because we’ve just been collapsed on the floor due to a very punishing dry season. I’m told by several who have been here a long time that this is one of the
It’s hard to drop the habits of an American who has worked several office jobs. When one of our workers returns to work after taking some vacation days, I always ask “How was your vacation?” I can’t stop myself. When I’m constantly on the prowl
After two rough weeks at the Bible study at Nariko, we finally had the sort of study this week that is missionary-newsletter-worthy. I rode out with our teacher, Emmy, not sure what to expect. Sunday night, we had almost 4cm of rain, but Monday’s sun
As the Okkens have moved now into their house, I am pivoting to the other side of my job description—that of providing assistance to the Word ministry. In particular, the pastors are hoping that I can provide technical help in the areas of radio broadcast
In lieu of Memorial Day, we have two holidays back-to-back—namely Martyrs’ Day and Heroes’ Day. I am unclear on the meaning of Heroes’ Day (which we celebrate on Monday), but it has been suggested that, lacking any other special vestment, I might get away with
Exactly what I was expecting when we returned to Uganda, I’m not sure. Our lives are full of little oddities that are easy to forget when we are away, and so remarkable when we return to what we call normalcy. I did not expect how
The suitcases are packed and closed and, like the ark, ready to brave the waters of judgement that is Entebbe baggage claim. We’ve said our goodbyes and are practicing our apologies to hundreds of strangers who have to listen to Carmel crying for twenty-two hours
The holidays have come and gone. The New Year is here, and with it a reminder of the passage of time. In the past month Christopher and I have become professional house-sitters. When I told my grandmother that I was getting really good at making
Chloe and I presented this movie about our year for Sunday school yesterday at New Life. For anyone who wasn’t able to be there, I’ve uploaded it for your viewing pleasure. Pastor Dave would like me to remind you all that we only had Koolaid