As many of you know, Christopher and I are expecting our first child, a little girl, on February 28, 2014 (give or take a few weeks at providence’s discretion). I find my thoughts often wandering to the coming birth and parenthood beyond. It is tempting
The following is an attempt to express some of the whirling thoughts on “re-entry”. The road behind, a streak in the sky 14 months long The road before, a swirling dream of the known made surreal Punctuated with a question mark An exchange has begun,
I have finally received a Karimojong name. As some of you may have heard, Christopher is also called Lopenek, which means the guy with the beard. The name seems so fitting in his present state of Amish-like facial hair that I had hoped for something
Over the past few weeks of teaching, my class has already transitioned through numerous iterations. I began with three students: Nakaale, Loumo, and Nacap. Although throughout the time, three other girls have come and gone I want to focus on these three. Nakaale is approximately
I have been remiss in notifying you all of our progress in math. Upon arrival, one of my responsibilities was to teach two math courses: Business Mathematics to Bobby Wright and Algebra I to Mary and Kipsy Wright. It has been some few weeks now
Do you remember learning how to read and write? I don’t. I remember being chastised by the teacher because instead of reading her the story I had memorized it. I remember my dad reading The Chronicles of Narnia to us kids. I remember devouring books
Living in Karamoja continually reminds me how fragile and miraculous human life is. Whereas, in America we attend funerals without ever having seen the dead body, Karimojong are present or participate in digging the grave and preparing the body for burial. In America, we tend
There have been multiple events in the last few weeks that have reminded me that our battle is not against, “flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in
This past weekend some members of the mission met with the local authorities to discuss a proposal from the mission for a preparatory school. Over the past nine months or so, the mission has seriously discussed beginning a school, which would focus on literacy and
The asphalt streets of San Diego had nothing as blatant as the harbingers of spring here in Karamoja. I was taught in elementary school that spring meant babies were born, flowers bloomed and the snow melted but never really saw these events firsthand in San
Yesterday, I visited a sick friend at home and found myself in the midst of village life. This may seem an odd statement to you since we live here and must, therefore, often find ourselves in the midst of village life. Truth be told, you
I recently had the opportunity to add a local delight to the list of new culinary adventures I’ve had while in Karamoja. I was invited to the home of a friend, Elizabeth, who offered to act as my teacher in learning how to make chapatis.