Thank you all for your prayers and care over the years! We can hardly believe that we’ve been serving in Karamoja for four years. Much has happened in that time. To mention a few, we’ve had two children, Christopher has changed hats two or three
In my last blog, I wrote about a family of three generations of women. They’re kind, faithful, gracious and entirely destitute. They’ve lived in a state of hunger for who knows how long. The extremity of their situation was recently brought to light by a
They were singing so softly I couldn’t discern the words. The sound seeped into the late morning, the fields around us and now abides sweetly in the memory. Carmel peered back at me over the shoulders of Loupe Vicky who insisted on carrying the obviously
Zion Astraea Verdick was born April 24, 2016 at 7:57 pm (EAT) weighing 7.5 lbs. Before becoming a mother I used to scoff slightly at the phrase “everyday miracle” when referring to having children. I was not the little girl who dreamed about growing up,
Monday we left Karamoja. Monday, I was 39 weeks along. Monday, we had one of the first muddy, go-off-roading-around-stuck-trucks drive of the year thus far. Despite the excitement, I did not go into labor and we are now installed in a small home in Kampala.
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds
Monday’s dawn found our family on the road to Kampala. Christopher leaving before light in order to arrive early in Mbale to run extra errands. I followed an hour behind allowing Carmel some additional sleep before the craziness of travel. We joined forces in Mbale
There is a chill in Karamoja that creeps up the sheets from your toes to your nose. It tingles and delights in the surprise of its mere existence. It makes me smile every time, and then, almost without fail, I wonder if I put enough
We’ll be adding a new pair of boots to the family in 2016! We are due late April, but let’s just be honest and say that the baby probably won’t show its head until May. There has been no ultra sound yet, so I can’t
You may be tempted to think that by our recent silence there is simply nothing to tell. That is far from the truth! We’re in the midst of many transitions which has resulted in the proliferation of a tower of different hats, steadfast denial and
I often find myself lost in the midst of weeds and I wonder if I’ve drunk the wrong bottle from Alice’s wonderland or if the forest itself is somehow bewitched. I push past the everyday maze of Ugandan English to find its seeds sticking to
Visitor season is in full swing! Last week, Christopher and Pastor Dave Okken picked up a group of new visitors including a team organized by the Presbytery of Southern California. Our present visitors are involved in many aspects of the work. Volunteers are working at