As change continues to be the constant in missionary life, we’ve been rolling with the waves since arriving back in Uganda on May 1. Our first month was often punctuated by trips to Mbale to help our sister station there (for updates visit our friend’s blog at, and Kampala to get stamps in our passports to allow us to remain in the country.
In addition, the Baardmans and Robbins are both on trips visiting family, going to weddings, attending a tropical medicine course, finalizing an adoption and we hope also getting some rest and refreshment. They both return in July.
Need can be wonderful instigation! In their absences and the recognition that remaining missionaries can’t fully fill the gap they leave, we’ve been pleased to see our Ugandan and Karimojong brothers helping out. We’ve been blessed to hear a sermon from a Karimojong in our discipleship program, and another lead our Sunday evening Bible study. The word has also been brought to us by a Ugandan pastor from another region. This past Sunday a contractor from Mbale who is helping us with renovations on a home for a pastor and his family who should arrive by the end of the year, gave his testimony strengthening the saints.
Homeschooling is hitting a rhythm. Between math, reading, writing, history, Bible, Karimojong and science there’s no lack of things to keep us busy! Thankfully we can coordinate with others on the mission. I have been reminded that joy is found when we are content in the lot that God has for us. Now, in this season I pour over curriculum and creative approaches to knocking that sticky topic into my children’s heads and taking deep breaths when we all hit the wall, which means I don’t have the time to visit the village as often as I’d like. There’s a cost, but this season calls for it and I’m finding joy in the daily mercies.
The busy season is just beginning at the clinic. With the rains here (which brings mosquitos and malaria) and plowing and planting complete, patients now make time to consider their health. The mission’s own fields have been plowed, planted with cotton and weeded.
Looking forward, we are now making preparations for visitors coming in July and August to both the Karamoja and Mbale stations. Visitors will be doing everything from caring for children, cooking, helping out at the clinic, teaching at the Knox School of Theology in Mbale, assisting with maintenance and diaconal ministries and much more! We are eager to welcome them and pray that the Lord will use their experiences with us for His church worldwide.
In July, the mission is planning a strategy meeting to discuss our work together, submit it to the Lord, gather ideas and move forward. We would very much appreciate your prayers for that time together. We hope it will be formative and unifying. We are ever hungry for our Lord and His transformative Spirit.
Praying for you to have everything you need for life and godliness, joy and peace.