December 29, 2024
Let Us Walk in the Light
A persistent easterly wind bends the trees. A fire crackles and pops. Smoke curls dot the horizon. Poinsettia are blooming a brilliant red. Does it sound like Christmas? Before you’re misled into visualizing hallmark renditions of the holidays, let me say that the wind is…
The imminent end of our six-month furlough triggers critical hindsight. Did we achieve everything we wanted to achieve? See everyone we wanted to see? Buy everything we need to bring back? Inevitably the answers are mixed. Nonetheless, I think we can declare this a successful
In case you missed one of our sold-out arena-sized missionary presentations, we’ve made the heart of it available here. Take a look and be encouraged.
Up at the top of the list of parts of the Bible that seem generally pretty useless except as fodder for cross-referencers—along with the passage that parses whether one can eat a catfish, and the list of Esau’s descendants—are the personal remarks at the end
For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Let me say it again, to live is CHRIST, to die is GAIN. As I received news of the death of four friends in Uganda while we have been away and another of a friend’s
Among the more strange aspects of missionary life is furlough. Not infrequently am I asked what the purpose of furlough is, and I struggle to give an answer. For most people, employment is year-round, broken by perhaps a few weeks here and there of vacation.
Remember me, O my God, for good. Nehemiah 13:31b The cycle of sin and salvation has been turning, turning since that first forbidden fruit. Humans bask in God’s presence, then forget its sweetness and, in our desire to make ourselves God, get what we deserve.
Pastor Julius Mukwana was installed as the organizing pastor of Nakaale Presbyterian Church under the RCEA on March 3, 2024! Stating it so simply grossly understates the gravity of the event. The OPC’s work in Karamoja began in 2000 with renovating housing for missionaries to
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its
The Way We Do
In Their Own Words
In case you missed one of our sold-out arena-sized missionary presentations, we’ve made the heart of it available here. Take a look and be…
Remember Me For Good
Remember me, O my God, for good. Nehemiah 13:31b The cycle of sin and salvation has been turning, turning since that first forbidden fruit.…
Though We Hear Gunshots
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the…
On Being a Missionary
On Being a Missionary – Chapter 8
A Palace, or a Mud Hut? We come to what is perhaps one of the discussions that Chloe and I are most apt to…
On Being a Missionary—Chapter 7
Kings, Cooks, Beggars, Saints Our last chapter was a bit theoretical on the inevitability of culture shock and how to overcome it. This chapter…
On Being a Missionary – Chapter 6
Culture Shock It’s the biggest catch-phrase of moving between continents. When Chloe and I first arrived back in San Diego, it was the first…